Monday, January 1, 2018

Facing the Giant

Happy New Year - 2018!

I love the beginning of a new year because I realize that I am in a new season, a new year of my life adventure.  2017 has past and now, we only have the memories and photos of what roads we traveled on.  

2018 - We begin a new chapter of blank pages in our book of life; crisp and clean, just like fresh fallen snow (which I LOVE!)  The landscape is a glistening white, clean snow canvas.  No footprints to follow, no tire lines of someone else's traveled path, no dirty snow piles along the way; just fresh beautiful white snow.  A new adventure begins!

It is also a chance to start over - do over - a mulligan, I guess is the correct golf terminology.  For me though, it is a Facing the Giant.  Have you ever read the story in the Bible of David facing the giant Philistine - Goliath? If you have never heard of this story read 1 Samuel 17.  I recommend YouVersion app from the App store or go to and search 1 Samuel 17.

He was a giant who was over 9 feet tall!  I know some tall people, but this man was over 9 feet tall!  Can you imagine?  I am only 5'4 and over 9 feet is extremely tall for me!   With a tiny stone and a slingshot, David faced the giant and killed him in the forehead.  He faced Goliath “in the name of the Lord Almighty, The God of the armies of Israel” (vs. 45)…so that all those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s…” (vs. 47).

Each day we face a multitude of trials and obstacles – Giants!
For some it is the normal day to day things we struggle to accomplish; the laundry, housecleaning, dirty dishes in the sink or grocery shopping.  Some may face health issues, recovering from sickness, cancer and even death.  Some may face struggles to get active and lose weight or just trying to gain weight or have a baby.  Some may be more emotional; struggling with sadness, in despair, and loneliness.  Others struggle with finding a job, or finding a home, or finding money to pay unexpected bills or repairs from a home, or car. What obstacles are you facing?  What Giants stand before you?

My giant has many faces! I face:

        Lord Almighty
Spiritual Battles
Physical activity
Exhaustion – Rest/sleep
Health Issues

As you notice my mountain gets taller as I add things, but, I am putting My Lord, Almighty on top to help me face the rest of my giants. 

This year as we face the giants in our lives, may you go thru it in the name of the Lord Almighty!  He is the God of hope and who save us!  He will arm us for battle and help us conquer. Take that first step into the fresh snow and make your own journey with the Lord Almighty before you.  Remember the battle is the Lords!

Blessings to you, my friend, as you journey a new adventure in 2018!


Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 - A new year full Wisdom and Compassion

Wisdom and Compassion

2017 will be the year that I will again try to gain wisdom through the reading and studying of God's spoken word.  I do not want to dwell on what happened in 2016 , even though it was a great year of blessings for my family.  Spiritually though, I failed at it.  My soul is saddened how I let worldly things get in my way of spiritual growth.  

As I read Lamentations 3 today and these words spoke and touched my heart.  Lamentations 3: 19- 24:
"I remember my affliction and my wandering,  the bitterness and the gall.
I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me.
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,  for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning;   great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;     therefore I will wait for him."

I started this year out with my flesh feeling sick.  I have a bad cold and am not feeling 100%. I skipped church because I didn't want to pass this on to anyone else. Today, though is another day.  I feel a little better after some needed rest and so as I start this new year, I have this hope;  God loves me and his compassions never fail!  He has renewed me.  

He is faithful and  He will be my portion!  I put my trust and hope in Him today as I walk this earth.  Every day I will look for some way to seek Him, for truth and wisdom, and share it with others so they too may be blessed.  

Thanks for visiting!


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Harvest Time!

Hi friends!

It's been seven months since I last shared LIFE with you!  Where has that time gone?  

Since my last post, I can say I have been rejoicing, praying and giving thanks in ALL circumstances  and not in any particular order.   If you haven't read that post, go to the Featured post Rejoice, Pray and Give Thanks and get connected.  God has truly blessed me and I can not thank Him enough for his showers of blessings that he poured out on my life!  

Five, beautiful grandchildren have touch my heart beyond what I imagined!  Having children is a blessing but grandchildren?  WOW!  They are ALL such a joy to Papa and Oma! (That's my Grandma name.) 

 So in birth order, my little loved ones are: Logan, Mackenzie, and Madison, In March and June welcomed Emma and Piper into our family and in our hearts!

Today I want to talk about harvesting.  Galations 6:9  "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

As August ends, I reflect back on the past seven months.  It's like a garden of  activity growing in our life.

Beautiful babies were born and some friends past on...
               I endured work challenges and a job change...
                              We had birthday celebrations, (Yeah Mom "M"- 80 years old and still Sassy and                                    sweet!)
Our holiday celebrations included honoring all the mother's and fathers, a Easter egg hunt, and fourth of July pool fun...
               We splashed in many pool parties...
                                 Had a great family reunion!...
                                                and to top it all off, many weekends camping and relaxing!

All this planting, watering and growing our family "memories" made me so busy and exhausted.  I failed to stay in the Word!  I got tired of some of my "Church" activities and took a sabbatical. I got distracted and failed to read and nourish my soul.
Friends, there is only one thing that I can do - get back into working the soil of my heart and feed it with God's word.

These past months God shined down His love and  poured out His grace on our family!   Now it's time to give back!

It's harvest time!
           Time to get dirty and busy for Him.
                      Time to plow deep into God's word.
                                     Wait.  Wait for His voice to speak to me.
                                                 Pray and communicate to Him the desires of my heart.
                                                                Listen for direction and guidance.
                                                                         Praise Him for his blessings and care!
                                                                                     Give Thanks daily!
                                                                                                  Honor the Sabbath - Get some rest!
                                                                                                           Don't give up.  Don't get weary!
                                                                                                                       It's harvest time!

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Rejoice, Pray and Give Thanks!

Happy February loves!

This past year has been a whirlwind of busyness!  I have skipped many months of sharing what God is doing in my life, so lets catch up a little!
Let’s begin with  “ Rejoice, Pray, and  Give thanks.”

God’s word says in 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18  “Rejoice always,  pray continually,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 

Rejoice because I am now a grandmother of  three beautiful grandchildren!  My daughter “Mary” had a little Girl “Madison” in November!  We are truly rejoicing with the family for God’s grace in a beautiful, healthy baby!  My other two little ones are a joy for “Papa” and “Oma”.  What a delight it is to hear them actually call us that!  They are not quite 2  and we love on them whenever we can! 

God continually shows us that He is listening and answering our prayers.  We learned that we will again be grandparents  with not one of our daughters, but 2 of our daughters—Again!  Both daughters are due again with children in the spring of this year!   We found out that baby “girls” will be joining our family!  So “Papa and I continue to pray for them  and their families.   So We rejoice again with good news and still pray trusting and believing God will  hear them being lifted up.

“Give Thanks in ALL circumstances”  Yep! I got that covered too!  We have a wonderful summer filled with camping and family adventures, worked through some tough days at work and always, ALWAYS thank the good Lord for another day to live life together!  So we continue to DAILY thank God for  all  the joys, and pains of life!

I hope you  remember to “Rejoice,  Pray and Give Thanks Daily!  Thanks for visiting!


Monday, April 27, 2015

Happy Retirement

Happy Retirement to a special friend/Co-worker!  This past week we celebrated "Her" Retirement and  I made this Retirement Survival Kit for her.  It turned out beautiful!

Inside the Large sand bucket  were a lot of goodies and quotes attached to them and wrapped them all in clear cellophane.  When she opened the gift, I had previously numbered them and had her read them to our group.  

I also created a "Do not Disturb" door hanger and attached it to the pail handle.  

Here is the list of items and quotes that went with each item.  I printed this list and pasted it to a pretty scrapbook paper.

1. Smiley Face Cookie :  We’re wishing you a  “Happy Retirement” 
2. Markers:  Retirement “Marks” the beginning of a new journey.
3. Toothpicks:  When your retired you can “Pick ‘n Choose” what you do... (and when you do “it”)
4. Tootsie Rolls:  May your retirement “Roll Along smoothly”
5. Crayons:  May your days be colored with sunshine and love.
6. Cotton Balls:  This is for the day you need to cushion your rocking chair while you enjoy sitting on the front porch. 
7. Tea Bags:  Relax—because retirement is one looooooooooong “Tea” break!  No more watching the clock for "5 o'clock.
8.  Aqua Spa Bath Soak:  Don’t worry about the time anymore... take the time and relax the stress is over!
9. Seeds:  (Beets, Lettuce and Forget Me not seeds)  Don’t “Beet” up  yourself for sleeping in every day and don’t “Forget me Not” (your co-workers).  Remember “Lettuce” get together once in a while.
10. Light up Balloon:  Retirement holds  a bright future!
11.   Sponge:  Remember to soak up all the happy memories that you had here at work.
12.   Marbles:  These marbles replace all the ones you’ve lost while working here!
13.   Reeses Pieces:  Retirement means never going to “Pieces” again!  Now you have the time to follow your dreams.
14.   Bananagrams:  Leave the “Going Banana’s” to one who now has your job!
15.   “NO!”:  Here are 10 fun ways to tell people “NO”  when they ask you to do something, because you are retired now and too busy doing nothing! 
16.   Go  Fish Game:  Take time to relax and  maybe “Go Fish”- ing. 
17.   Swedish Fish:  Even the little fish are fun to catch, - remember retirement is suppose fun!  Enjoy the little things in life!
18.   Candles:  Light up the room with  a happy memory of what the future holds
19.  Clown Nose:  Take time to goof off and “Clown around” because you can!
20.   Mints:  To remind you that you are “Worth a Mint” to others!”
21.   Neon Fiesta String:  Let the party begin!
22.  Nice! Trail mix:  Happy adventure trails await you!

If you would like more information on this kit, please send me a message. I hope you have a beautiful
day filled with God's blessings!


Friday, April 24, 2015

Display Case Creations

I am active in the church I worship at and find that I love to use my gifts to create and decorate.  Of course, many times I find that this is very difficult for me to come up with ideas and I lack vision.

I struggle with trying to "FILL" the display case, but I was told sometimes just a simple image gets the message across just as well as filling the white space.  So here are some images of what was created in our display cases.  (There are lights inside the display cases and so I apologize for the poor photography...not one of my strengths).


Recently my church did a new series called "LIFE: its not just a game".  I created this display case  and peg people for the series
If you would like to hear the messages of this series go to Grace Church web site and scroll down to LIFE : It's not just a game.


I hope you enjoy these...more to come.


Thursday, March 26, 2015


My hubby and I are in a small group of friends studying Dr. David Jeremiah’s “Angels” book.    If you have never done this study I strongly recommend reading this.  As we listened to his cd, and read God’s word, we learned that “Angels carried Lazarus to Abraham’s side. (Luke 16:22) Where? In eternity with God.  

Eternity...have you ever thought of what that means?  Time without end, infinite time, forever.  Many times I think about eternity and even more so when a person dies, and always during holy week.  Life on this earth has an ending date, and I don’t know when that will be for me, but I do know what the Bible says about eternity.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 – 14 “I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race.  He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.  That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.  I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.

Knowing this, what wonder!  God set eternity in the human heart!  For believers, we have a spiritual thirst to be with Him eternally.  God wants us to enjoy life, but this is only a stopping point on our journey.  Heaven (or hell) is eternity.  It’s scary for many to think about death and where we will end up after we die.  But we also have a choice to make; accept the gift of salvation or reject it.  Really we are choosing our future journey…Heaven or Hell.  It is eternal one way or the other. 

As holy week approaches, I am reminded of the greatest sacrifice my heavenly father has done for me…He gave his one and only son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for me.  He gave his life so that I may one day live with Him in eternity!   (John 3:16)
I am eternally grateful and thankful that I accepted God’s greatest gift and will one day live with Him in eternity.  I hope and pray you make a choice to live with him too!

