Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Here I am Lord, Use Me

God is so amazing!  Do you know that?  Do you know Him?   I am learning to know Him!  I know He is amazing!

A few months back I signed up to be on a committee for "GAIN Seed  Harvest Event" with my church and Lansing Ministerial.  I never was on a mission committee and thought to myself, OK Lord, use me.  I am here; ready to be used in whatever way you need me.   I was on a mission trip 4 years ago to Mexico,  it's been a while and it's time!  This is only one day!  I can do this!

The Seed Packing Mission event would be 4 hours split in 2 hour shifts.  10 a.m. – to 12:00 and 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.   Two people would team up and pack seeds for those starving or less fortunate, like in Dominican Republic or other country.  We don’t know where our seeds go, but the gospel message is also shared with these seeds.  These seeds will  help families grow produce to survive and support their family.  After hearing about it, I got pumped up and jumped on the band wagon, but there were 2 very important details that I left out.  
1.      We needed to raise $10000.00 (to purchase the seeds)
2.    We need 500 people to pack the seeds in envelopes.

As soon as I heard this, my faith began to question my Lord.  “Lord, how can we raise this amount of money and where will we find 500 people to help us?  God showed me He has the master plan!

Seven churches in our community joined together and started planning for the Seed packing event.  Committees were formed: fundraising, advertising, signups, etc.
At our church, I was involved in a skit to promote this event and get the information to our church family, weekly signups and announcements were made.  We had front end money envelops  for  donations and money banks were passed out that would help! 

Each week our teams met; we saw God’s amazing plan unfold as He provided the money and more and more people began to sign up.  Churches from our town that were not part of the Ministerial began to participate and today after meeting one last time before the Seed Packing event this weekend, we found out we met our financial goal!  PRAISE God!
But we haven’t met our # 2 challenge.  500 People is needed for this event.  So I put this message on Facebook:

“FINALLY! GAIN Seed Event is this Saturday at Lansing Christian! We still need some more people to help with seed packing from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Anyone? Anyone?
Be part of a great mission event that will help those in need! 

When I first signed up to be on this mission committee I was told that we need 500 people and raise $10,000.00 for this event (money to purchase seeds)! I thought, how in Gods world will we ever raise that much money and get all the help we need? 

We - participating Churches in Lansing, IL (many different denominations) have seen the mighty power of God work in people’s lives giving generously for this cause. We have prayed daily for this event! We raised this money and now all we need a few more people to help for 2 hours THIS Saturday! God s awesome!

We are close to 500 people but not there yet! ! Need more information or want to sign up send me a message or go to http://gainusa.org/seedevents/participating-churches/ and sign up for the Lansing Ministerial event? 1- 3 p.m.

I am so thankful that I have a voice for those less fortunate, those starving, that don't have internet or Facebook. THIS is newsworthy...not all the violence on tv, but churches in Lansing, IL, friends and family, a community working together for a greater cause! 

I challenge YOU, my Facebook friends, family, nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, my high school classmates, coworkers, to come out and make a difference! Bring a group of friends with you and know that YOU are serving a God who gives you everyday blessings! Pay it forward!

I hope this will result in at least one person to join me!

 I know that God will do an amazing thing this weekend!  I am being used and I have faith!   God, I lift this event up to You for Your glory!  Amen!



Friday, November 1, 2013

Jesus shines on Halloween!

This past week since my last post I have truly been focusing on being connected to God first before I check my e-mail and facebook.  Let me tell you that I have felt truly at peace and enjoying my time with Him.  I am reading from “Luke” this week and of course it starts with the Birth of Jesus. 

On my way to work yesterday I turned on the radio in the car.  Low and behold “Christmas” music was playing!  When I first heard it I thought “What?  Christmas music is playing already?  Today is October 31st, Halloween”, but then I thought, “Way to go “Shine.FM ”, Jesus gets the glory for this holiday not pumpkins, trick or treating, or scary costumes!”    Awesome!  Christmas music should be played all year round!  Even in the darkness He shines!



Sunday, October 27, 2013

Well-Worn Path

Today was a beautiful day to worship with my church family.  God’s word spoke to my heart!  My pastor spoke on church fellowship and why we should gather together.  Hebrews 10:24-25 says “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” 

These questions were asked: 
What does it mean to spur one another on towards love and good deeds?
How do I encourage others? 
How do I make someone feel welcome?
How can I pray for you? 
What can I do or say for those who choose not to fellowship or walk away from the faith?
Is my path to God well worn?
These thoughts and convictions came to mind…
As I greet people at church I said “Good Morning.”   Did I say “I am glad you are here?”  I will next time.  I will let them know they are loved.

Encouraging others is not hard for me; I like to make and send cards and will pray for others when nudged by the Holy Spirit.  But can I do more?

Practice hospitality…don’t give up meeting together...now that is one area that I lack in…I don’t enjoy entertaining like my husband does.  It’s probably because I don’t like to cook.  I need to work on that! 

I know some people who have walked away from church and fellowship…I am praying for them that they will return to a fellowship of believers that will love and nurture them.  What else can I do?

Here’s a big one…Is my path to God well worn?
Is my Bible sitting on a night stand collecting dust or used daily?  Do I use it more than checking my e-mails or facebook? 

Like that path in the picture(previous post) below I do use my Bible. The path is worn, but not completely visible.  My Bible does have some worn pages, highlighted verses, but  If I am being honest and vulnerable right now, the answer is not enough, not like e-mail or facebook.  Why don’t I open it before e-mail or Facebook?
Am I one of God’s friends?  Yes, I have accepted His Friendship!

God’s words are more powerful and full of wisdom for daily living and have eternal value than other communications.  That DAY is approaching.   Am I in communication with Him on a daily basis? I need to be more in touch with Him.

There are so many of God’s promises in His word for me, so today I promise to go to God and His word -  Make that path visible... I will open the Bible first before opening e-mail and going on facebook.  I hope you do the same!



Friday, October 25, 2013

Staying Focused

What do you think of this beautiful fall picture?  If you look closely you can see a worn path that leads up the hill. It is barely visible. When you’re walking with dogs, it’s hard to stay on a path that is barely visible.  

There are places where I walk that you can’t even see a path anymore because very few use this path.   It is temporary.  By the end of this year this path will not exist when winter falls on it and in the spring a new path I will have to tread.

How often I lose sight of where I am going in my walk with Jesus.  I have to be in that relationship with God every day.  If I don’t stay connected or focused on Him and His teachings, I lose sight of what is truly eternal.  I need to set a special time each day and usually it is in the morning before I go off to work that I open His word and read His inspired words to me.   

For me, eternal means forever without end, life after death with God and His son, Jesus.  I will be with Him forever worshiping and praising Him before His heavenly throne.  Oh - what a beautiful sight that will be one day.  So today I am fixing my eyes on Him, not the path.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Teach me Your Paths

Today as I took  a walk with my dogs I took this path that leads to a beautiful open area.
It was a cool, windy, fall day and the landscape in front of me was difficult to see. The light was not good; it was hazy and the tree branches flowed back and forth blocking my views.  The path on the other hand was still visible. Leaves are starting to cover the path and  I had to watch my step.  The leaves are turning beautiful shades of yellow, orange, brown and red around me.  I was in God's portrait of fall and was just in love with it all!  

My dogs ran ahead of me enjoying the aroma of nature!  Occasionally I would have to call them back because they roamed too far off the path.  Once the dogs get out into the open area, they romp and play and even roll around in the grass.  It's a joy to see them happy.   They know the way we go, but the smells tempt them to go down different paths.  I call them back and direct them and sometimes if they run too far, they turn around and look for me to see if I am still on the same path.

This reminds me of how I am like that.   I walk a path that God leads me and I get distracted or tempted by something and choose to roam away from Him.

Psalm 25:4-5 says "Show me your ways O Lord , teach me your paths, guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."

How important it is to be shown His ways?  Values, truth, being taught right verses wrong, and good verses evil,  love verses anger or bitterness.  Compassion, love and forgiveness are His way.  Daily I have to be reminded and taught to be these things.    As I jouney on this path I am constantly reminding myself that God will guide me if I stay connected to Him. Show me Your ways O Lord and teach me Your paths.

Beautiful fall blessings,

My Journey

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength"  Philippians 4:13

This is my life verse.  It is the one verse that I claim daily in my life.  It is written in my Bible.  

As a wife and mother of three children I have read and said this verse more times that any other verse in the bible.  You see, my life has been a journey of different paths, trails or roads.   Each chapter in my life, from the day I was born to where I am now is truly a gift from God!   

Jeremiah 1:5a says "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart."  

Friends, can you imagine that!  God knew me before I was formed in the womb, I was set apart for Him!  I am special.  What an amazing thought to think that the God who created this universe and all that is in it knew me, Joan.  He wants me and I am loved by Him!  Oh, what comfort that is to me! 
God has planned my life before I was even born, and he has given me the free choice of what path I choose to walk on. 

Last night I went to a womens worship service where we just sang our praises to our God who know us and loves us.  I couldn't believe how each song that we sang touched my heart.  I was almost in tears when the speaker shared that "though each women here faces struggles, trials, sicknesses, sadness, maybe bitterness, or loneliness, we are not alone. God is with us as we walk that path!" You see that statement right there touches me...I feel alone a lot!  I don't like to feel alone, but that is another days blog story.  Knowing I am not alone is AWESOME!  God's presence is with me right now as I write this.  I am smiling right now thinking that He is sitting in the chair next to me as I create a scrapbook page, or sitting on my couch as I play the piano.  

I can not do any of this alone! This?  Life!  Living...breathing...walking my trail.   I need His strength to press on.  I claim this promise daily: "I CAN DO EVERYTHING THROUGH HIM WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH. 

So as I journey on I can't help but not sing praises to Him and this song comes to mind.

"Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, 
Oh what a foretaste of glory divine!  
Heir of salvation, purchase of God, 
Born of His Spirit, Washed in His blood. 
This is my story, this is my song, 
Praising my savoir all the day long.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long."       -Fanny Crosby
