Happy Retirement to a special friend/Co-worker! This past week we celebrated "Her" Retirement and I made this Retirement Survival Kit for her. It turned out beautiful!
Inside the Large sand bucket were a lot of goodies and quotes attached to them and wrapped them all in clear cellophane. When she opened the gift, I had previously numbered them and had her read them to our group.
I also created a "Do not Disturb" door hanger and attached it to the pail handle.
1. Smiley Face Cookie : We’re wishing you a “Happy Retirement”
2. Markers: Retirement “Marks” the beginning of a new journey.
3. Toothpicks: When your retired you can “Pick ‘n Choose” what you do... (and when you do “it”)
4. Tootsie Rolls: May your retirement “Roll Along smoothly”
5. Crayons: May your days be colored with sunshine and love.
6. Cotton Balls: This is for the day you need to cushion your rocking chair while you enjoy sitting on the front porch.
7. Tea Bags: Relax—because retirement is one looooooooooong “Tea” break! No more watching the clock for "5 o'clock.
8. Aqua Spa Bath Soak: Don’t worry about the time anymore... take the time and relax the stress is over!
9. Seeds: (Beets, Lettuce and Forget Me not seeds) Don’t “Beet” up yourself for sleeping in every day and don’t “Forget me Not” (your co-workers). Remember “Lettuce” get together once in a while.
10. Light up Balloon: Retirement holds a bright future!
11. Sponge: Remember to soak up all the happy memories that you had here at work.
12. Marbles: These marbles replace all the ones you’ve lost while working here!
13. Reeses Pieces: Retirement means never going to “Pieces” again! Now you have the time to follow your dreams.
14. Bananagrams: Leave the “Going Banana’s” to one who now has your job!
15. “NO!”: Here are 10 fun ways to tell people “NO” when they ask you to do something, because you are retired now and too busy doing nothing!
16. Go Fish Game: Take time to relax and maybe “Go Fish”- ing.
17. Swedish Fish: Even the little fish are fun to catch, - remember retirement is suppose fun! Enjoy the little things in life!
18. Candles: Light up the room with a happy memory of what the future holds
19. Clown Nose: Take time to goof off and “Clown around” because you can!
20. Mints: To remind you that you are “Worth a Mint” to others!”
21. Neon Fiesta String: Let the party begin!
22. Nice! Trail mix: Happy adventure trails await you!
If you would like more information on this kit, please send me a message. I hope you have a beautiful
day filled with God's blessings!